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Will you make it?

We want our talks to be honest, humble and cut through the bunk.

Most of you have the goal of either playing in college or being the best you can be. That's admirable, but if you don't train in the off-season, it's likely you'll never get there. We all know that the quote "Champions are made in the offseason" is true, but few make the choice and follow through. It really is a choice and nearly 100% within your control. No excuses! In this video blog, Coach Cam and I discuss:

  1. Psychology of youth development

  2. Research on the top 13 forms of development in-season and off-season

  3. The best way to increase confidence and develop novel skills

  4. Whether or not you can make it happen if you don't train outside of your team

  5. How a U20 World Best player learned skills in the garage

If you're only training on your own, enroll no later than June 3rd HERE to begin online training June 7th. For College Prep u15-u19 player interested in camp + 10-Weeks of high performance online training, go HERE by June 3rd. For Juniors u11-u14 players interested in camp + 10-Weeks of high performance online training, go HERE by June 3rd

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